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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Superhuman strength (or weakness)?

"Vulnerability is subversive. Uncomfortable. It's even a little dangerous at times. And, without question, putting ourselves out there means there's a far greater risk of feeling hurt. But... I can honestly say that nothing is as uncomfortable, dangerous and hurtful as believing that I'm standing on the outside of my life looking in and wondering what it would be like if I had the courage to show up and let myself be seen."

This is a quote by Brene Brown from her latest book, Daring Greatly 

I’ve decided to start blogging again in 2013 and thought this quote was a good charge for the New Year.  I think Brown is suggesting that when we are hard-hearted or hardheaded we slowly loose touch with our deeper, more intuitive self.  As Carl Jung would say: our ‘real’ self. 

You know the experience: when you spend all that time on your Superhero get-up and the guy or the friend is unimpressed because they really just want to hang with your Joe Shmo self, that uncomfortable skin you’re trying to glitz up, for them. And they don't ... uh, care.  You find yourself either pissed-off or puzzled.  Or both. Maybe you haven’t been to therapy yet (or in a long time) and think all the pomp and circumstance is actually YOU. Illusions haven’t been disbarred.

The pissed-off version: Why can’t they see I’m a Super Hero, with super strength and powers and poise and all that.  They don’t appreciate me!!!   Think red-faced emoticon. 

The puzzled version: Why can’t they see I’m a Super Hero, with super strength and powers and poise and all that.  They don’t appreciate me???  Think tilted-frown emoticon.

Vulnerability is ultimately dropping the cape. The side show. Not trying to sell yourself or others on your amazing-ness.  Instead you get to quietly be the amazing human you already are.  Quietly noticed and loved by other human beings.  Other humans who love and worry, surprise and disappoint you, and eventually gets wrinkles and have root canals, just like you. And when I say you, I really mean me.

(Thank you Ms. Carolyn Snell for the cliff note version of Daring Greatly on your fabulous blog!)


  1. Amen, Ang! Love this. Happy New Year! XO

  2. Yay to blogging in 2013! So happy for you... and me, who will read it religiously. :)
